Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Building: Day 2

Since it was the middle of February and rather cold, we went to my friend's parents' place to work on the costume. They have a fire in the garage so we didn't freeze to death.

First we cut out the hole for detail piece in the back plate. Then we did some test fitting of the rear body section. Finally we got stuck into the legs. We are going for teh "seamless" look which means hiding the join lines between the parts. This is done by gluing everything together then filling the gaps up and then painting over them so they cannot be seen. It also requires some rather special tricks on some pieces, most notably the calves which get a spoon assembly. The rear of the calf is made from two identical pieces which are hacked to pieces. Once completed they will fit together in such a way that the join should not be visible.

It's not as hard as I imagined it would be but it does require some planning and also a lot of waiting while glue dries. The stuff we are using is super strong but it takes at least 24 hours to dry so we have to set vices on everything to hold it all together.

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