Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Building day 1:

I started off by laying all the pieces out on the floor to work out what was what. Then I took some of the pieces that I thought would be easier to work with and began to trim. Since this kit is made as a one-size-fits-all, there is a lot of work removing excess plastic and shaping the parts to fit my body. Luckily I'm a fairly average build so there shouldn't be many major problems along the way.

First to feel the wrath of my Dremel was the chest plate, then the back plate, the butt and the codpiece. Each was was marked with a pencil line that I intended to trim down to, then roughly trimmed using the cutting wheel before I finally used the sanding wheel to trim down to the line. After that I used some fine sand paper to smooth out the edges a bit.

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